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Nepal Orphan Fund is a California based 501(c)3 Organization. 501(c)3 status means that donations we receive are exempt from federal tax. It also means donations you make are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Click here for a copy of our 501(c)3 determination letter from the IRS. Nepal Orphan Fund is registered with the Registry of Charitable Trusts maintained by the Attorney General in California. Being registered allows us to actively fundraise in the state of California. Click here for a copy of registration confirmation. We have chosen PayPal  to process all online donations. This allows you to donate using any major credit card, a PayPal account or by check. Your financial information, including credit card number, is never shared beyond the PayPal site. Donors should be aware that PayPal will receive 2.2% + $0.30  of any donation This transaction fee is a cost that we simply can’t avoid. Donors will receive a receipt from PayPal that can be used for tax purposes. If you require any additional information please contact us. We would like to thank you for your support. We will continue to share stories from Nepal so that you can benefit from the joy of giving.
All Photographs (c) Michael Fingleton
Alternatively mail a check to: Nepal Orphan Fund, 568 E Evelyn Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
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